Get Perfect Eye Makeup Accessories Online

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

When it comes to make up products, most of the women want to have each and every make accessories from top fashion brand. No matter whether it is eye makeup accessories, lipstick, lip liner, lip gloss, nail enamel, eye liner, eye shadow or mascara, they want them to be branded. Branded makeup products are of high quality and safe for skin therefore most of the women go for branded make up products.

The best place to shop for branded make up products is online as there you might get great discount and deals on branded make up products. There are many online stores that offer great deals and discount on branded makeup products in order to attract you to shop online instead of shopping from malls or stores. Shopping online for branded make up will also save your fuel money and time. There are many other benefits of shopping branded make up products online and the major one is the convenience.

Online shopping for branded make up products allows you to shop such kind of products from the convenience of your home. Using internet and without stepping out from your home, you can shop for branded beauty products. There are innumerable sites on internet that offers branded beauty products. Online shopping for beauty care products will let you compare wide range of products from different brands which will help you to make decision.

You will also get the products review from the previous users that will also help you to take decision. If you are looking for branded lipstick then I would suggest you go for Inglot brand. Inglot branded lipsticks are available in wide range of shades to match everyone’s complexion. You will get wide range of option of Inglot branded lipstick online at shopatmajorbrands. Inglot Eye makeup accessories are also popular and widely used by women.

Eye make accessories can also be shopped online at shopatmajorbrands. With the advent of internet, many people are going online for shopping because of the numerous benefits that it offers. You will definitely love online shopping as there you would get wide range of options to choose from without roaming from one store to other. At online store, you can surf as much beauty products as you want without the interruption of salesman or woman. So shop online for branded make up products and enjoy the enormous numerous benefits that online shopping offers.

 In the modern busy lifestyle, we might find difficulty to shop for skin care product and beauty products from store to store. However thanks to internet, now we can shop for beauty products and skin products by sitting back and browsing the internet. There are numerous online shopping stores that offer wide range of beauty products from some of the renowned brands. You can check great collection Inglot skin and beauty products at Shopatmajorbrands. Inglot is a renowned name in cosmetic that offer wide range of cosmetic products. This company is known to deliver quality cosmetic products.

 The Inglot brand mainly operates in Canada, GCC, Australia, UK and Poland. Shopatmajorbrands offers you an opportunity to shop Inglot products in India. Shopping for beauty products is every woman’s hobby. When they get an opportunity to shop branded beauty products online, they feel more relax as it saves their time. Inglot is a classic name in cosmetics and its products are worth trying.
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All About Eye Makeup

The traditional smokey eye makeup colours are, of course, black or grey. You are however not limited to these colour choices, you can also use less intense colours such as: violet, chocolate, coffee, dark pink, copper, dark green, dark blue or purple. Dramatic makeup for Asians need not always be dark in color. Asian eyes stand out with shades of plum and raisin. Your first course of action is to pick a celebrity or look that you are after to mimic.

Eye makeup ideas are hard to come up with on your own, but there are plenty of models out there for you to mimic. Blue Eyes: To emphasize blue eyes use gray, rose, mauve, purple, orange, peach, gold, or any shade of bronze. When selecting a shade of blue to go with the eyes follow the rule of opposites. (If the eye is dark blue, use sky blue; if the eye is icy blue, use darker blues, even indigo.) Eye makeup is the fun part of applying cosmetics. Some simple eye makeup tips.

Use eye shadows that fit the character or to express mood. Apply the lightest shade you have over the entire eyelid and the medium shade on the lower eyelid.Begin applying sexy eye makeup with a clean and moisturized face. It is important for the makeup to not mix with oils and dirt from the skin. This could make the makeup look messy and just plain bad. Let's dive into a dramatic eye with even more intensity.

This doesn't necessarily mean that it's more complicated or involves heavier makeup application , it just means that there are a couple of extra makeup application steps. The best application tip for eye shadow is to use a good bristle brush and not the sponge applicators that come standard with eyeshades. You will not believe the difference in using a good bristle brush like the pros use. Shaping Techniques: Utilize a liquid or pencil eyeliner to accent shape.

Draw a thin line as near the eyelashes as possible, as well on the outer third of the lower lid; smear it lightly for a natural look. For basic application, let's discuss the professional look. From there, you can choose to add more makeup for an evening out, or less makeup for your casual days. I recommend you begin with your eyeliner. The colors you choose for your eyeshadow should either match the color of your eyes or provide a contrast to it. If your eyes are blue, then blue eyeshadow would work perfectly for you. If your eyes are brown or hazel, brownish or golden tints for your eyeshadow would be gorgeous.

Nonetheless, blue eyeshadow on brown eyes can provide a very nice contrast and make the eyes appear brighter. Apply eyeliner perectly. Apply your base eyeshadow all over the upper eyelid. Blend well with a base brush. First start with a sheer nude color all over the eye. Go from lid to brow. Next, apply a dark brown or plum eyeshadow from your lid to your crease.

The solution to eyes less than an eyes-width apart? The following eye makeup techniques: sweep a concealer that's one shade lighter than your skin tone onto the inner corner of the eyelids. Darker eye shadows are always applied before the light shades and the look is completed by defining the eyes with eyeliner.
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Dramatic Eye Makeup Tips

Dramatic eye makeup is a technique many women try to learn or improve on. In part 1, simple yet dramatic eye makeup application techniques were described. The use of eyeshadow colors is a easy and straightforward way of making your eyes pop. When specific eyeshadow colors are used, your eye color stands out. This draws attention to your eyes. It doesn't always necessarily mean wearing the darkest, deepest eye makeup colors.

 It also doesn't mean applying the most intense shades until your makeup brush wears out. In my opinion, creating dramatic eyes should still sport a classy look. Before you begin any eye makeup application, always remember to prepare your eye area such that you have a good base to work with. Wash your face, apply moisturizer, use an eye primer if desired, foundation, concealer, then powder. Now, you're ready Before anything to start on, you can check if your brows are perfect.

You can remove any hairs that are below the arch of your brows. You can also remove the hair on the spaces above the nose. When you would strive to be dramatic, any hair that is growing will get attention and will likely be embarrassing. If ever you have not been maintaining your lashes or brows for a period, you should consider going to professionals to take care of it, esthetiticians can easily do the job. However, the point is to make sure they are conditioned for better results.

 To blush or not to blush. If you prefer that pale, goth inspired look, then skip the blush. If not, you could go sunkissed with bronze blush or naturally pretty with peach or soft pink blush. In either case, apply blusher with a light hand. Dust off the excess from your blusher brush before applying any color on your face. Put blusher on the places that light would hit.

The cheekbones, tip of nose, chin and forehead. Next, you will need to find the perfect eyeshadow colors for your eye color. If you have blue eyes, you need to get different shades of browns. If your eyes are green, you will need various shades of rusty browns, plum, and brownish red colors. If you have brown eyes, get all shades of purples, deep blues, and violets. For hazel colored eyes, get different shades of gold, greens, turquoises, browns, and pinks.

Hazel colored eyes are accented with almost any color on the spectrum. Matching your eye color with the correct color of eye shadows will make your eyes pop dramatically. Smoky eye makeup is essentially a makeup application that darkens the lids and highlights the brow bone. This effortless eye makeup trick will draw instant attention to your eyes and provide an overall sultry, sexy look.

People always think of dark, dramatic colors when they hear smokey. Although the look can definitely be dramatic, it is not necessarily dark. The real secret to the smoky look is in the color eyeshadow you use. Smoky eye makeup should be done with care and style. One thing that can really bring your eyes stand out is the effective use of mascara, but for mascara to be really effective, you need to make sure that it is applied evenly and without any globs or smudges.

The goal is going to be for eyelash strands that are long, dark and separate from each other. If you want to apply your mascara evenly, make sure that you start at the base of the lashes and bring the mascara wand up and out. A small wiggle of the wand will help keep things even and afterwards, the end of the lashes can be finished of with a lash comb. Another tip that can be useful when you are in a hurry is to make sure that any excess mascara is being wiped off from the wand before you use it. For dramatic eyes, there is no need to go for a rainbow of colors.

You could do it subtly with an electric blue eyeliner on nude eye shadows, or play up your eyes with a single bright color like violet, or even orange, but offset it with neutrals like browns, grays and blacks. If you have brown eyes, and you are wondering about colors that may enhance or perfectly suit it, do not lose yourself in a wrinkle of frustration.

Many of your favorite eyeshadow colors can actually match your pretty brown eyes. Basic hues such as earth colors in the browns, bronzes, golds, mochas, taupes and spices families will definitely enhance your features. But if you feel like wearing something to perk up your eyes with a contrasting effect, you may use light pink or peach or purple or indigo.
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Women of all age groups use them to enhance the beauty of their eyes.Shimmers add a feeling of depth in your eyes. It’s not essential to go to a parlour every time you need to apply shimmer on your eyes for a party. You can easily do it at home.


Beauty eyes tips , Mineral eye shadow , Best eye shadow colours , Transparent mascara , Mascara applying tips 2012

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